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It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross channel ad network, with 18 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices.
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 21 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 21 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
Епохата е на multiscreen and multitasking - потребителите все по-често използват няколко устройства едновременно и разделят вниманието си между тях. Организирането на рекламни кампании, които обединяват различни устройства все още е сериозно предизвикателство. Httpool се ангажира да предложи ефективно решение. Достигнете до желаната аудитория през различни канали и устройства. Повишете приходите си от реклама от Вашия сайт или мобилно приложение. Партньорството с Twitter се разраства.
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 18 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
Сега е добата на повеќе екрани и правење на повеќе работи во исто време. Сепак, извршувањето на интегрираните огласни кампањи низ повеќе канали и уреди сѐ уште носи значителни предизвици. Httpool е посветен да го промени тоа. Стигнете до вашата целна публика преку повеќе канали и уреди! Зголемете ги приходите од огласување на вашиот веб сајт и мобилна апликација! IMS Internet Media Services постигна договор за стекнување на главен удел во Httpool. Љубљана, 29 септември, 2015 година - Httpool со задоволст.
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 21 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 18 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 21 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross channel ad network, with 18 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices.
Nacházíme se ve věku multiscreenu a multitaskingu. Přesto, provádění integrované reklamní kampaně napříč kanály a zařízení klade značné nároky. Httpool je připraven to změnit. Zasáhněte vaší cílovou skupinu napříč všemi kanály a zařízeními! Zvyšte reklamní příjmy z vaší webové stránky nebo mobilní aplikace! Httpool je cross-channel reklamní síť s 18 kancelářemi po celé Evropě a Asii. Nabízí nejširší sortiment reklamních produktů a řešení napříč různými kanály a zařízeními. Přidejte se k naší síti.
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross channel ad network, with 18 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices.
Żyjemy w epoce wieloekranowości i wielozadaniowości. Jednak prowadzenie zintegrowanych kampanii reklamowych przy jednoczesnym użyciu wielu kanałów i urządzeń stawia przed nami wielkie wyzwania. Httpool angażuje się w te zmiany. Dotrzyj do grupy docelowej w różnych kanałach i urządzeniach! Zwiększ przychody reklamowe swojej strony internetowej lub aplikacji mobilnej! Skontaktuj się z nami. Polityka prywatności i wykorzystania danych.
Este timpul pentru multiscreen și multitasking. Cu toate acestea, implementarea unor campanii de promovare atât în mediul online, cât şi pe dispozitivele mobile, presupune provocări importante. Atinge publicul ţintă cu ajutorul canalelor şi a device-urilor. Creşte veniturile din reclama pe site-urile sau aplicaţiile mobile. Confidenţialitate şi politica de utilizare a datelor.
Мы живем в век многоэкранности и многозадачности. И все же при проведении интегрированных рекламных кампаний для различных устройств и способов передачи информации мы сталкиваемся с большим количеством трудностей. Справиться с ними поможет Httpool. Привлекайте целевую аудиторию с помощью различных устройств и способов передачи информации! Увеличьте доход от рекламы, размещенной на вашем сайте или в мобильном приложении! Twitter и Httpool заключили партнерское соглашение о продаже рекламы в России.